The Passing of Sister King

However, I cannot even express my frustration and disappointment at the lack of respect of her passing from news outlets around the country. I understand from working in the industry, that there are stories already in place, as well as breaking news that takes priority. I cannot understand how the passing of the wife of the greatest humanitarian of our time could be a side note in what is considered "world news." And what took priority, was a reporter who did not even die! There are soldiers dying in this senseless war daily, and although I am sympathetic to the reporter's condition, I cannot imagine how intelligent individuals could think this was acceptable. Maybe I'm just crazy! (But I think not.)
I must, however, commend the local media outlets in Atlanta, GA. They made a concerted effort to shift their focus to paying tribute to Mrs. King. It is my prayer that as individuals, we commemorate the life and struggles of both she and her husband this Black History Month. Be the light in darkness, and show compassion for those in need.
Riches come and go.
Only love is pure Gold...
--The Elements, EWF
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